THE JOBS FUND - Governance and management


The Jobs Fund’s activities are governed by two committees: Investment and Technical Evaluation Committees.

The Investment Committee has the executive and fiduciary responsibility for the approval of funding applications. The Investment Committee is independent of the management of the Jobs Fund. The committee is comprised of

Mr. M.J.N. Njeke (Chairperson)
Mr. A. Donaldson (Deputy Chairperson)
Ms. N. Allie-Edries
Ms. M. Matsaba
Ms. G. Makhaya
Ms. A. Ngoma
Mr. N. Nadasan

The Technical Evaluation Committee is responsible for technical assessment of proposals and recommendations to the Investment Committee. The committee consists of senior Jobs Fund managers. A number of technical experts are also asked to join the committee meetings in order to provide advice relevant to specific applications.


The National Treasury’s Government Technical Advisory Centre (GTAC) is responsible for managing the Jobs Fund.