Jobs Fund Upcoming Events

Please note the below upcoming events to be hosted by the Jobs Fund. For Webinars, click the link to register for the event.

  • 1 October 2024 - JF Webinar - Youth Led Businesses (Showcasing youth led businesses in the JF portfolio) - please see Publications tab for the video and presentation
  • 22 October 2024 - JF Webinar - Digitising job creation: Exploring digital jobs in South Africa - click here to register

Jobs Fund Stories

Women breaking barriers

South Africa is celebrating this year’s Women Month under the theme: “Women’s Socio-Economic Rights and Empowerment: Building Back Better for Women’s Resilience!” It is a call to action for the country to take tangible steps in responding to the most persistent challenges affecting the lives of women and girls.
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Overcoming the barriers

The South African clothing and textile industry has long found itself vulnerable to cheap imports from Asia due to its high labour cost and the impact of strikes on the labour market. Textiles, which include all forms of clothing, are the second biggest import category from China.
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Junior olympian excels in Agribusiness

Land distribution and transformation in the agriculture value chain is a long-term process that requires careful nurturing to bear fruit. Exploring ownership modalities that not only offer communities access to land, but also empower them to benefit from the productive use of the land
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Young Blood Taking on Agriculture

Agriculture is an integral part of the South African economy and global food security as a whole. Not only do we need to ensure investment in the agricultural value chain, from primary production to market, and address regulatory constraints so that the sector can contribute more meaningfully to economic growth
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Celebrating freedoms through job creation

What does freedom mean to you? The Oxford dictionary defines freedom as the right to do and say what you want or the state of not being a prisoner. Freedom Day is a celebration of the dawn of constitutional democracy and freedom for all South Africans, it was on this day in 1994 that the country saw its first democratic elections
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Tailored for Success

Considering its labour intensity and potential for developing small, micro and medium (SMME) sized businesses and exports, the South African Furniture Industry is an important sector in the South African economy.
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Taking Things Into His Own Hands

Although micro and informal enterprises (MIEs) can contribute to sustainable economic growth, the core issue and central barrier in the informal sector is that MIEs are isolated, poorly supported and poorly understood.
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New Digital Pathways for Excluded Youth

When it comes to aligning training to the job opportunity, creating an ecosystem of support is invaluable because it allows for access to the labour market through multiple pathways (e.g. further education, starter jobs, and building youth resilience through access to psychosocial services), all of which contribute to a more effective labour market.
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Female SME’s Hope to Franchise

Partnership is a key part of the Jobs Fund’s role in supporting emerging black businesses.
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Remarkable Performance for La Vouere Stonefruit

South Africa has about 2 121 hectares under nectarine production, the majority of which (42%) are in Ceres, Western Cape. Over the years, hectares under nectarine have seen some fluctuation, with a steep decrease in 2015 (-4%) from the previous year and a 2% decrease in 2017.
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What we do

The Jobs Fund was launched in June 2011, we are a National Treasury initiative with the goal to address the challenge of unemployment in South Africa. Our objective is to form partnerships, through grant funding, with public, private and civil society organisations on projects that will significantly contribute to job creation. What makes us different is that the Jobs Fund focuses on encouraging projects that catalyse innovative models that contribute directly to enhance employment creation.

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Contracted Portfolio
146 contracted projects
R8.49 billion in grant funding
R13.27 billion from our partners
259 250 permanent jobs

How we work

The Jobs Fund has not appointed/endorsed any service provider to assist applicants with preparing their submissions for grant funding. Should you have queries or require some guidance, please contact us directly.

The Jobs Fund only accepts applications during open funding rounds and projects have to meet pre-determined criteria in order to be eligible for consideration. The Jobs Fund does not appoint intermediaries to assist applicants with their submissions for grant funding. The Jobs Fund is a challenge fund, the assessment and selection process is fair, transparent and competitive. Assistance is offered by the Jobs Fund team for queries and guidance.

The Jobs Fund has a two-stage application process; the Concept Note Application Stage and Business Case Application Stage. The application process begins when a call for proposals opens, and ends once a project has been approved by the Investment Committee.

Why a two-stage process?

The rationale for a two-stage process is that it enables applicants to test the relevance of their proposed initiative in relation to the Fund’s criteria, without expending undue effort and cost in developing a detailed proposal and business plan. Without this opportunity, many worthy applicants may choose not to apply, given the costs and risks associated with the development of a detailed proposal.

Read more about how we work